SPRING/BREAK Art Show Fair – Artist Jac Lahav

Radar CuratorialGeneral

Hot 100: Record Paintings

Radar Curatorial is proud to present Jac Lahav’s debut series Hot 100: Record Paintings at SPRING/BREAK Art Show Fair.

“Album covers are icons, symbols by which we can know a much larger body of work. They are visual summaries of music. Translating them into painting sketches is about my own love of paint as a unique medium and engaging my own emotional memories of pop culture.”
-Jac Lahav


In this exhibition Jac Lahav mines their substantial vinyl record collection to produce over 100 paintings of celebrated record covers. Lahav became fascinated with vinyl after discovering a Russian bootleg of Sonic Youth’s iconic 1988 album “Daydream Nation” with the artist Gerhard Richter’s painting Kerze (Candle) featured on the album cover. Richter’s work confronts history through combining painting and photography. Lahav’s work considers the back and forth of history, the transaction of ideas of both our personal and collective past, capturing a momentary flicker in time.

Lahav applies his unique skill set to breathe new life into these portraits, drawing inspiration from the fluidity and resonance of the artists’ touring exhibitions “48 Jews” and “The Great Americans”.

Each painting carries the weight of nostalgia, music, and artistic expression, transporting viewers to an analog oasis in our digitally focused world.

“Hot 100: Record Paintings” delves into the sentimental realm of Lahav’s musical explorations through their art practice, celebrating albums that have profoundly resonated with the artist and within our collective consciousness. This unique intersection of personal experience, artistic expression, and collective memories fuel the multi-faceted transactions between audience and viewer in this exhibition.

booth #1032
September 7-11, 2023 11AM – 7PM
625 Madison Avenue, NYC

September 6, 2023
Press + Collector Preview 11AM – 5PM
VIP Opening Night 5PM – 8PM